مولدات 01030091710

Egypt, Cairo, New Capital City

600 EGP / Month
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شركة الـهواري للمولدات الكهربائية
نعمل في مجال إيجار وبيع وصيانة المولدات الكهربائية بجميع القدرات من 5 ك حتي 2000 ك.ف.أ ولدينا اسعار مميزه حسب قدرة المولد ومدة العمل ويوجد لدينا فريق متخصص من المهندسين والفنيين لعمل الصيانة في انحاء الجمهوريه علي مدار 24 ساعه . للاستفسار اتصل بــــ إيهاب الهواري
-01030091710 - 01111561710

Rent rules

لا يوجد


Safety Tips
• In case the lender is a company or a store, inform someone from your friends or family about its location before you go
• In case the lender is an individual, meet him in a public place and its better to bring someone with you
• Make sure the item you are going to rent is exactly as its posted on the website and its better to decline it in case its not the same
• You can rate all items posted on the website
• In case the item is good as posted, its better to rate it well on the website to encourage the supplier to keep his level and encourage other to do the same
• In case the item isn’t as posted, you must write that comment in the review so that other users would know and to give the supplier a chance to correct his fault.